
School Director's Message

JUN 22

School Director's Message

A message from our School Director Rev. Fr. Edgardo B. Barrameda:

It’s been almost a year and six months since the world was put into global alert because of covid-19 pandemic. With all the uncertainties brought about by this global health crisis, the whole world was truly caught unprepared: the global community was truly caught by surprise.

Tipas Catholic School (TCS) has taken and continues to take the challenge brought about by the pandemic with strong spirit and pro-active resilience. All of us have been witnesses how the school we’ve loved and continue to love has engagingly prepared to carry out its mission as a Catholic Institution of human formation, learning, and education, in spite and despite of this pandemic.

For this Academic Year 2021-2022, TCS is, as a school community, ready and prepared to continuously deliver quality Catholic education. We have put all the system, programs and strategies in place - all for the purpose of delivering high quality learning experience for all of us.

Rest assured, TCS is not only calibrated and ready for the new normal, but more importantly, is dedicated to building a better one.

The journey continues… our journey continues! With St. John the Baptist and the Blessed Mother accompanying us, we are all ready to face 2021-2022 with ever renewed spirit and strong commitment to make Catholic education a reality for everyone!